
Agrovoltaics provides an effective, efficient and innovative solution to the competition for land use through the creation of synergies between renewable energies and agriculture, while promoting sustainable rural development and the protection of biodiversity and the ecosystem.

This is one of the main objectives of the so-called Green Deal, which establishes a series of measures aimed at favoring the decarbonization of the sector and in which Agrovoltaics plays a fundamental role.

The Use Of Solar Energy In Agriculture has created a Revolution In The Farming industry. Agriculture farms require an abundant and uninterrupted supply of water for their crops. This supply is organized by the use of high-power tube wells requiring a massive load of electricity.

As the electricity prices increased, so did the electricity bills of the farmers, impacting the cost of their produce. More and more farmers in Pakistan and around the world have turned towards solar energy for powering their tube wells.

Agrivoltaics is a symbiotic relationship where both the solar panels and the crops benefit because they help each other perform better. The electricity can be used to run the farm with electric tractors and equipment, and to power precision ag technology that helps further reduce water usage.